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How re-start a league??

Oct. 6, 2013
4:51:26 pm

I'm spanish and I don't know how can re-start a past league in which I was the commissioner :(

Oct. 6, 2013
8:43:49 pm

OK I understand jeje
I said that I'm Spanish because my English is not good, for posible mistakes

Oct. 6, 2013
9:05:45 pm

But I suposse that you understand me jeje

Perfect and thanks!!

Oct. 7, 2013
5:41:20 am

In my opinion this is a needed feature: it would allow to avoid to recreate always the same team for those who keep the same settings (it's 15 mins, I know, but...). I do not mean in terms of rosters, but only team name, logo, colors, etc. The same for league and league settings, instead of re-inviting every year the same owners.
