» General Discussion

Bug drops all players

Nov. 7, 2013
5:48:11 pm

It happens when you have different teams and you're changing line-ups on the freeagents tab.

It happened twice to me and three or four times to several other players on my leagues.

Nov. 9, 2013
5:37:21 am

Yep, thats happened to me last year and the year before. Luckily I was able to retrieve my players with the help of the commish and the website owners. I freaked out. I figured out the why it happened the second time and sent out warnings to all multiple team owners and let the website know. Maybe thats why you can't do the following; read below.......

Also this year, you cannot use different browsers and have your various team pages opened. In the past season, I could have one team displayed with Google chrome, another with Firefox, and another with IE8.

This allowed you to pick up free agents or make changes on one team without disturbing your other teams.

Nov. 9, 2013
8:44:03 pm

Hey guys - Austin, here.

Interesting browser strategy Lakersless.

Our goal, through the functionality of the drop-down Active League bar is to let owners switch seamlessly between leagues so that they don't have to go through such extreme measures as keeping different browsers open. That said, if you had multiple windows open and were in different leagues in each of them, I can see it causing errors. Our vision was that a user could go through their league checking their Lineups, etc., then, with the click of a button instantly be in their next league. Try going to the Lineup page of one team, saving your lineup, then switching the Active league - that essentially teleports you to the next league without messing anything up, rather than having to go back out to the main screen and enter into another league or, in your case, use a different browser.

There are a few pages where the Active League switch isn't 100% up to snuff - the Player Stats page and Game Box Scores, are two of them - but that's something we hope to tighten up over the next few weeks.

And we've heard tales of these massive team drops for a while now, dating back to last year and before, I know we've been in touch with several owners who've experienced this. It seemed to have been so random, though, that we didn't know what exactly was causing it. As always, we're here to help with our Support account, and ideally fix the root of the problem so that it doesn't happen again.
