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Schedule different from calendar: bug?

Oct. 15, 2015
8:48:29 am

I our league we're experiencing an issue: if I navigate to "schedule", what is reported there is different to what is reported onto " calendar" subsection of "schedule" itself.

Can anyone explain me why or check for a bug?

Thank you!

Oct. 26, 2015
5:34:13 pm

I also find the same bug??? just waiting for the beginning of the season to see which calendar is true

Oct. 27, 2015
9:35:23 pm

Anyone have any idea why the first NBA games (10/27) are not included in our calendar? We ended the draft last 10/23 - should be more than enough to meet the deadline for 10/27 actual NBA games.

Oct. 27, 2015
11:52:08 pm

I think this issue depends of the Time zone connected to the IP of each user. Like the issue (now fixed ) with the draft a user in Europe see one time and one in US see another time
