» General Discussion

Last X Games Now Available In Stats Page

Oct. 30, 2019
7:20:26 am

One of the biggest gripes that users had with our previous stat page was that you couldn't select the most recent stats and hide all the rest. As a result, we added things like the Free Agent finder, which let you sort players based on their performance over the "last 7 days", etc.

I'm happy to say that the stats page found here: sports.ws/nba/stats is now sortable in that same fashion. Plus the columns are all searchable and sortable and there are a number of other stat filters that can be applied.

Currently the time frames available to show include:
-last 3 days
-last 7 days
-last 14 days
-last 30 days
-last 60 days

Oct. 30, 2019
11:36:20 am

