» General Discussion

NEW: See Fantasy Matchups from NBA Box Scores

Nov. 1, 2019
9:05:04 am

Just pushed a nice feature on the NBA box score pages.

Now when you're looking at an NBA game, say the Pacers/Cavs game on Nov. 1, you'll see players from your team identified by bold text and the basketball emoji.

Players that will count against you in a fantasy matchup are italicized and have that exclamation emoji beside them.

You'll also notice the right-most column now includes the fantasy game information for any player rostered on a fantasy team.

This data is accurate as of that exact game, so if you had a certain player on your lineup in Game 1 but not Game 2, you would only see them listed as your player in Game 1. This only shows players that are on your active roster.

Nov. 1, 2019
12:38:33 pm

