» General Discussion

Most Active Owners List

Mar. 14, 2015
10:31:50 am

What information goes into this list?

Time spent on league site?
Number of clicks on your league page?
General league activity?

Apr. 1, 2015
7:34:01 pm

That's a good question :)
... i guess it's about time spent logged in, do you think so?

Apr. 2, 2015
12:49:13 pm

Which list are you referring to? The one on the Toys page?

I'm not entirely sure, we didn't write that code, but I'll let you know when I find out!

Aug. 13, 2015
7:45:30 pm

Now, where is that list of most active owners? Are we talking about overall list of all players in this game?

I think we could do with such a list in order to be able to fill the leagues quicker.
