» General Discussion

First Timers Invitational 3

Oct. 27, 2015
11:47:41 pm

Hi ya

I'm a 15 year veteran of the site and have noticed a lot of new users sign up and create a league. Most of these leagues only get a few people to sign up for them and fade away before they really get a chance to get off the ground.

I feel that if we can gather a pretty good group of first time players to Sports.ws they could learn as a group just how much fun this game is.

Please join me in the First Timers Invitational 3 - league # 161119.

There's no password

If you have any questions or need any help.... let me know.


Oct. 30, 2015
2:27:54 am

Avoid Jose at all costs. When he is a commissioner the man is a BULLY. He kicks people out of his leagues for completely stupid reasons including having a life outside of this game. BUYER BEWARE!!!

Oct. 30, 2015
6:40:56 pm

You've obviously never been in a league with him. I have played against him for 12 years.

Nov. 2, 2015
4:24:37 pm

Jose is one of the nicest people i ever had the pleasure of meeting, he should garner respect just for that.

If anything he is the antithesis of a bully

and you'd be hard pressed to find a more conscientious administrator/commissioner
