» General Discussion

NEW: Add/Drop/Claim/Unclaim Players From Stats Page

Nov. 5, 2019
9:04:03 am

This has been a goal of mine since I released the new Stats page, now you can add/drop, claim/unclaim or even propose a trade for a player from within the Stats page. The link will take you to the appropriate page and the action will be completed (or you'll be asked to drop a player, etc.)

I am going to remove the Free Agent Finder as there is absolutely NOTHING there that is not on the Stats page. On the new Stats page, you can show stats from specific time periods, you can hide players that aren't available to be picked up and you can filter and sort by all the same categories.

Nov. 5, 2019
11:29:52 am

great job

Nov. 5, 2019
8:12:57 pm

Nov. 6, 2019
4:50:46 am


Nov. 8, 2019
7:58:43 am
