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Should the NBA make more of an effort to limit traveling violations?

Jan. 26, 2015
1:10:11 pm
Should the NBA make more of an effort to limit traveling violations?
Total Votes: 264

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Jan. 29, 2015
2:35:13 pm

Why me, a tiny overweight (and not decent at all) that can't jump a paper Italian amateur player should respect a rule which is at the heart of this beautiful game (bind you to dribble the ball!), while this pampered, high-class player can do more that 3 steps without doing any dribble. Dribbling is hard for tall guys: that's the only advantage we 5 footers have on them. Please!!!! Leave the game as it is: a place for where anybody can have an advantage if it's able in doing something good.
7 footers can block and dunk but can't dribble without loosing the ball. Why they can play Football while we play basketball?
