

Real Name: Terry Silver
Los Angeles, California, United States
Sports.ws Member Since: Sep 2004

Fantasy Career
Lifetime Wins: 727
Winning Pct: 0.605
Relative Avg: +6%
Leagues/Season: 2.0
Avg League Size: 21.7

Fantasy Teams: 20 (14)
Playoff Apperances: 12 (7)
Finals Apperances: 5 (4)
Championships: 2 (1)
Win Leader: 2 (2)
Avg Leader: 2 (1)
(Leagues with 18 or more teams in parentheses)


Inflicting constant pain and suffering, making teenagers' knuckles bleed, laughing maniacally, instilling fear and shame, John Kreese, the Vietnam conflict


Nosy slopes, kata, paying for toxic waste removal, honor and dignity, poached salmon

Recent Activity

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